Author Archives: rhondafister

How Do You Break Free From A Rut?

How do You Break out of a Rut?

What is a rut? Sometimes it’s just boredom that comes with routine.  It’s the same old same old, I’ve been there, done that!  It could come from being tired of the food you cook or eat, the company you keep, your job tasks, your living situation, the places you go, etc., too many to list!

How do you break out of a rut? One way is to create some dedicated “empty” space in your life. When you successfully hit the pause button and step off the hamster wheel, you’ll be able to see your life from a fresh perspective and will finally be able to think about how you might start to make changes.

If you keep going and going without stopping, you’ll never discover the (often surprising) clarity and answers you long for. When you stop, even just for an hour, answers and ideas present themselves with almost no work on your part.

Empty Space is Powerful

Author and professional speaker Terry Hershey writes in his book, The Power of Pause, that our lives can become too full.    I believe we need time where there is no agenda, no to do lists, time to step away from the busyness, time to pause, time to reflect, recharge, time to be still.  It’s time for a tune up!

Busyness has a  tendency to crush our soul.  Being still means to turn off your mind and just BE STILL!

Change Your Environment

Another way to get out of a rut is to change your environment.  Whenever I get the opportunity, which I try to make it as often as I can, I enjoy going somewhere new just to give my mind a fresh perspective.  There are probably so many places to visit in your own town (or the next) that you probably have never been to.  Take a drive to a new area, walk into a new store or have a meal at a restaurant you’ve never been.   Enjoy the newness and take in the experience as you never know what you might find!

I enjoy visiting new coffee/tea shops or restaurants with a view of the water or boats and I bring my laptop to do work or write or whatever needs to be done! I even pay my bills there just to change things up! It makes me feel energized seeing and being in new spaces! I feel more motivated.


  1. Find one area (or a few) in your life where you can make a change.
  2. Put yourself first, make it a priority.
  3. Practice silence for 15 minutes.
  4.  Do something New!

IMG_4197Peace my friends!

Stay InTune, living a balanced life in harmony and alignment so you can fulfill your purpose and passion with exuberance!


The things You are Passionate About Are Your Calling! Are You Living Up To Your Full Potential?


What is Potential?

This is a profound question to ask yourself and as well a life altering one.  What is potential?  It is the inherent capacity for coming into being. It is existing in possibility expected to become or be; in prospect.

Ask yourself right now if you are living up to your full potential?  You might say yes or no or maybe you aren’t sure. If you’re not sure, you are not alone, many people are in the same boat.

 “The source of all creation is pure consciousness … pure potentiality seeking expression from the unmanifest to the manifest.  And when we realize that our true SELF is one of PURE POTENTIALITY, we ALIGN with the power that manifests everything in the universe”.

 ~Deepak Chopra~

Potential is the Possibility of Something Amazing!

I believe potential is the possibility of something amazing. To live up to one’s potential is to be open to one’s greatness. One of the first steps is to figure out your life purpose.  If you don’t know your life purpose, I believe it will be difficult to reach your full potential. To achieve its potential – some might call it ‘destiny’ and I believe you can reach it, but it will take focus, dedication, and commitment. It also takes thinking outside of your world, seeing things from a less self-centered approach..more on that later!

We all have Varying Potential

To achieve your potential, you need to develop a sense of what YOU are naturally like so that you can focus in areas that are in accord with your innate interests, nature, and strengths.  There are some great resources out there that you can use to find out your interests, personality type, etc., some are free and others you have to pay for.  Here are a few free ones (I’ve checked which ones were secure sites as there were a few that were not … had to learn the hard way!) You can search for more.

  1. 16 Personalities 
  2. Free IQ TEST
  3. Myers -Briggs also has a few but it will cost!

These tests will be a good start in helping you to identify what you are naturally like.


  1. What are your innate interests? Write these down.
  2. Take one of the personality tests to find out your personality type.
  3. What do you see as your calling?
  4. Ask close friends or family what they see you doing or what your gifts are.  This is affirmation in knowing if everything aligns.


Peace my friends!

Stay InTune, living a balanced life in harmony and alignment so you can fulfill your purpose and passion with exuberance!


Is Your Glass Half Full?


I’m reminded of a song when I was a little girl that I heard from church with these words:  This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!  Since then, I’ve adopted it into my everyday life.  Each day is a gift, it’s a new day, it will not be like yesterday or tomorrow. It is unique!  If you focus on the positive and not dwell in negativity, you will find yourself InTune, In balance, In harmony, In peace!

It’s looking at life with a positive attitude, changing your mindset even though something doesn’t seem to be going in your favor.  It may seem difficult at first, but if you train your mind to think along these lines, you will be much happier. When I wanted certain things to happen,  I would always tell myself if it were meant to be then it will be.  My motto I tell my children is that “if it’s meant to be then it will happen effortlessly”.  It certainly takes a lot of pressure off now doesn’t it?

gratitutde_quote_1_Fotor GRATITUDE TRANSFORMS US

It is a simple command!  It will definitely cause you less suffering if you look at everything with an attitude of gratitude and not become a Debbie Downer type of person.  No one wants to be around that … it’s exhausting!  I”ve been there! Yes, there may be times that you may need to vent to a friend or they may need to vent to you, but spit it out and move on!  Don’t dwell on it! Stay away from the “misery loves company” attitude!

Figure out a solution to fix it or look at it differently, adjust your sails, change your perception.  Remember, there is always someone else who has it much worse! Sometimes the thing that you thought was bad or you didn’t get what you want, may end up being the best thing that ever happened to you.  Look at life in the BIG-PICTURE scheme of things. This allows you to see things differently.  Many of the best poets, authors, and famous people throughout the ages have given us quotes about life and how they perceived it.

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” ~ Charles Swindoll


If you change the way you perceive what is happening, then you can respond better and have better experiences.  Gratitude elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms us.  There may be some days and certain circumstances that you may feel it’s harder to practice a heart of gratitude and thankfulness, but ultivating an attitude of appreciation for the blessings life has to offer, no matter how small they may be, brings you back to the present moment and allows more space to open up to all that there is to be grateful for.


  1. Recognize gratitude as an attitude of the new self.
  2. Think about something in the past that you felt was bad that happened to you, and when you look back, have you seen things unfold that were perhaps for a greater purpose.  What did you learn from it?
  3. What things seem to fall into place effortlessly for you?
  4. Make a commitment to living a life of gratitude, add it to your daily routine.



Peace my friends!

Stay InTune, living a balanced life in harmony and alignment with yourself so you can fulfill your purpose and passion with exuberance!



Want to Find Your Purpose? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Every person is born with purpose

“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out” (Proverbs 20:5). 

All people are made in the image of God. Each of us are born with a purpose and calling that we can discover or completely miss.  Your purpose is not outside of you, it’s inside!  First, you must understand who you are, because you are here to be you, there is no one else like you! You are here to embrace all of who you are and to bring your energy and let you light shine onto the world. 


Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to get started!


  1. What is it that you love to do? Think as far back as a child and what you liked to do, write down everything you can think of, it doesn’t have to be fancy, just a simple list.
  2. What are you passionate about that you are willing to struggle for to attain it?
  3. What are you so engrossed in that time just seems to fly when you are doing it and you get so caught up in it that you don’t have time to eat or even go to the bathroom and you want to cancel all of your appointments for the day?
  4. What do you want people to remember about you or what desires do you have to be an impact on the world?
  5. Fast forward to the end of your life, what is it that you would like to leave as a legacy for yourself?

Of course there are a lot more questions to ask but these are a few to get you started and thinking about it.  I will continue to add more questions in another post…standby!

Remember to believe in yourself!  Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t get overwhelmed or anxious about figuring out how to fulfill your purpose in a day.  Each day is a gift, and use it wisely if you want to manifest your purpose, passion and dreams.  Little by little, step by step it will happen.

I must stress again that everything doesn’t have to be perfect, don’t be too hard on YOU.  DON’T WAIT, THE TIME IS NOW!  I’m guilty of this,  I would wait until I was all set in how I thought things should be, I pondered and would fret over it! I finally decided to just let go and be the best I could be even if something wasn’t designed good or sound good as I told myself I was being too much of a perfectionist! I was afraid of what people would say or judge me.

Of course we know, we are always going to be judged so you might as well just accept that!   Don’t let it hinder you and your calling!  I realized there will always be someone who is more educated, who makes things look better, ya da ya da ya da!!  Hope that makes sense, I’m just being real!


Peace my friends!

Stay InTune, living a balanced life in harmony and alignment with yourself so you can fulfill your purpose and passion with exuberance!


True Happiness…can you find it?

Stay true to yourself happiness is when you think what you say and what you do are in harmonyIf you do a quick search on the internet on true happiness, you will stumble upon hundreds of quotes, papers, research, books, seminars, videos, you name it!  We hunger and thirst for it, and spend years looking for it.  And often in the wrong people, places or things!  Can you find it? Is there such a thing as true happiness?

Here are a few quotes I found to be extremely profound!


  •  True happiness is … to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.  ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca~
  • True happiness is to learn how to live beyond the imperfections. ~Rita Maata~
  • Happiness is making your dreams come true.  ~Jourdan Dunn~
  • True Happiness – The Beatitudes.  ~The Bible~

secret-to-happinessWhat is true happiness for you?  As you read through  the quotes above, think about what they mean to you at this present moment?  Have you been enlightened?  Are they speaking to you?

One of the truths in regard to happiness is that it is not circumstantial.  It means we don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect, nor do we have to control anything outside of ourselves in order to feel a certain way.  That is good news! Positive-quotes-Happiness-is-like-jam

Happiness-Quotes-53I love this quote (on the left) … learning to say NO to the things and people that stress you out.

The older and wiser I get, I find myself doing this more and more!  Because I’m an empathetic, compassionate and a good listener type of person, I often find myself with people and things I don’t have the energy to deal with, especially negativity!  I call these people Energy Drainers!  No matter what advice I offer to fix the problem, they always have a reason why it won’t work! I think they just want to grumble and complain!

I’m learning to walk away and just say NO.  I also repeat in my head “not my monkey, not my circus!”  And I move on!!  If I have the energy, time and space to allow it, then I will carve out the time for that person or situation, but it’s not going to infringe or take control over my happiness.  That’s how I deal with it! You are responsible for what makes you happy!


  1. Every day adopt an attitude of gratitude, complain less and appreciate more.
  2. Write down the things you are grateful for.
  3. If it makes you happy, do it.  If it doesn’t then don’t!
  4. Every day remind yourself that you are in charge of your happiness. Try not to let anything that is outside of yourself control you.


Peace my friends!   Remember it’s all about being Intune, living a balanced life in harmony and alignment with yourself!


Adventure! Live the Life of Your Dreams

22904587_1916313731942782_6843876541577664810_o“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” ~ Oprah

I believe that every day is a gift and that we have an amazing opportunity to live a life full of purpose and passion.  The hardest part is figuring out what that purpose is. If there is anything in your life that is not the way that you want it, anything that isn’t as big or as complete as the dream of the dream life that you’re looking into, you can change that.  Be honest with yourself and also to those you are involved with. Be brave enough to live according to your vision and purpose instead of what others expect or have opinions about.  If you are open to all of the possibilities, you can reach for your dreams.  One of the keys is to define it and surround yourself with those who will support and empower you!

FOLLOW YOUR DREAMSFotorYou may already be living your dream, and not even know it.  That’s why it’s always a good idea to set aside quiet time as often as you can to focus on what’s going on around you.  You do not have to be perfect!  Little by little, day by day, focus on your dreams and make goals to achieve them.


Answer these questions (it’s best to write them down or even better to get a journal and record your answers).

  1. What sets your soul on fire?
  2. What makes you passionate?
  3. What do you lose yourself in?
  4. Create a vision board and post pictures and items to it or create a pinterest board.


Adopt the Pace of Nature



Adopt the Pace of Nature … Her Secret is Patience  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American Transcendentalist poet, philosopher and essayist during the 19th century.  One of his best-known essays is “Self-Reliance”.  I stumbled upon this quote of his: “Adopt the Pace of Nature – Her Secret is Patience.” This intrigued me and I had to take a moment just to ponder!

I’ve always loved being in nature working in my garden planting, pruning, designing,  and creating a beautiful space and sanctuary at home.  I also love the beach, the ocean, sand and sun (one of the reasons I moved to a tropical climate!)


The Beach is My Happy Place

People call it their “happy place” because we feel more alive and at peace at the ocean! We react favourably to water as it relaxes us, reduces stress and anxiety and increases insight, clarity and creativity.  Nature calms us, grounds us, settles and balances us.  While acknowledging the constantly changing nature of your life, you look to balance it by giving significant attention to each of the dimensions.


Wellness begins with you, it is a self-responsibility and you are responsible for your health and happiness.  The key belief of this writer is that each person could transcend, or move beyond the physical world of senses into deeper spiritual experiences through free will and intuition. Believers understood God and themselves by looking into their own souls and by feeling their own connection to nature.

The Secret to Living a Calm, Sane Life is Being InTune

The author stated that we should: “Adopt patience for the best things take the longest time to come to fruition. Adopt patience and you’ll realize it’s the secret to living a calm, and sane, life.”  One thing that comes to my mind about work is that we should be working to live, not living to work.  I cannot stress enough that it’s about balance and staying in tune with yourself!

Just like an instrument needs constant tuning after it’s played otherwise it is either flat or sharp and doesn’t sound good.  If life is stressful, or work, family or friends are pulling and tugging at you, retreat to a quiet place like nature. Take a few deep breaths, enjoy the view and sit in silence and quiet or put on Zen Music.  Think about the things that bring you joy, peace, happiness and GO AFTER THEM!  Say yes to these things and make them part of your daily life.  You can’t fix everyone and everything.

Action Steps

  1. Find a quiet place in nature, take some deep breaths and ask yourself what brings you joy, peace and happiness?   If you could do anything, what would it be?
  2. Make a list of those items and begin to add them into your life, organize your thoughts.
  3. Make time for yourself each day.
  4. Say NO to DRAMA and people who drain your energy.
  5. FOCUS on the responsibility you have to yourself in regard to health & wellness.

Peace to you my friends! Stay InTune!


One of my happy places!